energy . guidance . intelligence . truth & magic
.. .. .. the crossings .. .. ..
I am a Shamanic Death (Life) Walker, since early childhood years
I am a Certified Dying Consciously, Counselor & Practitioner (20.10)
Grief Counsel and more, always more. This includes (by great compassion and grace) the counsel that is ultimately empowering for you, that of grieving the true you that you feel
that you didn't get to be in this life.
I am no longer on hiatus as my fascinating Momma completed her earth walk.
" The Great Initiation" was, is, and will continue.
"The Great Mystery" is Great.
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THE WISDOM WAYS .. .. .. I went on hiatus from this loving service in July of 20.20 as my fascinating Momma was at "the crossings" of her walk here on earth. "The Great Initiation" (as it's known in dying consciously work) was, is, and will continue. My Momma went to "The Great Divide" a few short days before Mother's Day in May of 20.21 and at a very auspicious moment in time. I had it set that each Tuesday I'd nap at 1:11 pm. On this one Tuesday, I had an odd feeling about napping so I didn't nap. My Momma took her last breath on that same Tuesday at 1:10 pm. The Great Mystery for sure!
I've gone my Rites of Passage (or so I have to this moment in time) with this, and I've set up the ancient, now, and future ways to counsel and guide others. So much is much easier than we think it is, about clearing ancestor/family circumstances/karma in the living days. But then, it's the thinking that often makes life harder especially when the feelings are denied.
It's all been amazing, and odd as it is, I'm at the greatest peace I've ever been in.
I am always blessed and deeply grateful when I walk with others in counsel, healing, and more, always more. This includes (by great compassion and grace) the counsel that is ultimately empowering for you, that of you meeting up with the true you that you feel you didn't or haven't been able to be in this life, and bringing yourself to your most fulfilling life now.
Call me .. .. .. I will not text about any of the sacred ways.
Laurel .. .. .. aka .. .. .. Sohanna Mah
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You see Beloveds, it's time to heal. It's time to honor the one that we grieve for the most. It's time to honor ourselves and the true natural-self that we've not yet lived to be. This counsel is available to you.
Many, far too many humans are staggering around way too numb, playing dumb. It's simply not conducive to the potential that each individual was born for.
LIFE/DEATH Sessions - Soothe out of the numb (that hurts) because you're not dumb. Contact me for a consultation. Please call me. Don't text me, about this healing way. Thank you.
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call me, we'll talk
always more to come, there is always more and more, oh, and cookies, really good cookies