THE ORIGIN MEDICINES energy . guidance . intelligence . truth & magic​
.. .. .. dream REALm .. .. ..
one of my greatest and most loved passions
is to share The Dreamers of The New Dawn teachings with others
On the great horizon is the
“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
Oscar Wilde
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The image on this page is a favorite of mine, taken Graduation Ceremony
Lucidity Festival in the sacred valley of Santa Ynez, Ca 20.16
Graduation Ceremony for Lucid Living - Lucid Dreaming - I was blessed to teach it.
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​It is time for each and all of us, the Light Workers and Guides, to coordinate our Great Gifts and collaborate on our sacred sovereign empowerment.
​Counseling, walking with, and the teaching of the ways.
Dream Counsel - intuitive interactive dream guidance and interpretation sessions.
As a Project Manager of the ever-great "Dream REALm Imagisphere", I'm extremely passionate about guiding others into their vast and wild, vivid imagination.
Feel free to contact me at 805.760.8399
AND HERE IT IS .. .. ..
The Decision Made Day .. .. ..
with deciding to breathe life into the manifestation of the highest good.
I will be teaching the ways of DREAMERS OF THE NEW DAWN in December 20.24, at Winter Solstice here in Sedona. Cozy and comfy, 5 nights and 4 days. This will be a very small gathering, with a limit of 6 participants (and me) and a full cast of Guides, Great Spirits, and Sweet Angels too, and who knows what characters will show up having been
permitted to come play with us.
Please what the heck and call me .. .. .. have no fear of a voice to voice communication.
No bites to draw pain when we talk over the phone.
Less harm in talking than in texting.
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Dreamers of The New Dawn is offering Q&A, symposiums, and more
in locations in and around Sedona.
Call for locations and information if you want to participate.
The gatherings are at no cost to you, they are designed to get more dreamers dreaming.
Sweet, vivid, and lucid dreams .. .. .. are a promise for everybody.
Now with the (possible) cold seasons blowing in on us, call me and ask me about options.
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Special Sessions for Spring 20.24 .. .. ..
Dreaming...I'm offering tried and true intuitive dream guidance and clear interpretation
to walk you further into your soon-to-come Sweet Dreams.
1 dream ... $22
5 dream package ... $100
These are phone sessions and must be scheduled and paid in advance.
Private message me or call me to set this up.
Thank you and of course ... slumber well and have sweet dreams.
This and a little bit more, because there is always a little bit more to share, especially when we bring the vast and beautiful dreams into our greater awareness. For spring 20.24, I'll be offering the full "DREAMERS OF THE NEW DAWN" teachings.
Phone session, one with one, you and I.
He'yep, to get y'all ready for the expansion season of the big dreams.
Call me about this one.
At the end of 2009, I heard one line spoken to me in a dream.
That line was "You are here to support the awakening of the Dreamers of The New Dawn".
In January of 2010, I was guided into a magical REALm that set me up to teach dreamwork.
I've been teaching dreamwork for over a decade now
and loving each and every moment of doing so.
#1 .. .. .. SLEEP to SLUMBER aka "throwin' down the Zzzz's"
this module is offered by phone sessions, why, you may take these sessions in your PJ's
and I highly recommend that you do.
Module 1 "Sleep to Slumber" is being offered now in phone counseling sessions.
2 sessions for $225. Slumber is the foundation of the sweet, vivid, lucid dreams
that you do recall.
Good sleep and great slumber are the promised places of great healing, all healing.
"Rest as peaceful as an infant.
Rest as tranquil as a waveless ocean.
Rest as settled as a mountain."
The Buddha
From other dreams going way back to 2008, I was Guided many times by a single sentence, being informed to "drink more water, you're going to need it when you live in the desert".
To that, I would say that I drink plenty of water and that I'm not moving to the desert.
I've lived in the high desert now for more than a decade,
with high heat in the summer (and cold winters) and very low humidity.
Such low humidity that I call it "drymidity". The average "drymidity" here is 12%.
It can be raining and the "drymidity" registers at 70%. This perplexes me.
I drink a lot of water. I need it now that I live in the desert.
Yes, again, contact me at 805.760.8399
Email me at
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If I've given you one of those "strange & wonderful" used wine bottle corks with the cobalt colored half marble glued to an end, the words to repeat again and again are .. .. ..
"I have sweet, vivid, lucid dreams that I DO RECALL".
Please have sweet dreams.
Yes, have sweet, vivid, lucid dreams that you do recall.
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I’ve helped birth the sweetest of babies
I’ve sliced open the assassin’s throat
I’ve hung on the edge of crumbling buildings
I’ve seen the strangest things just float
I’ve raged inside as my tribe died
to circle in later to scalp more than a few
I’ve kissed a hundred men and women
I've needed moisture from the morning dew
I’ve witnessed senseless, brutal killings
I’ve seen entire villages set free
I’ve done all of this just watching
as my dreams come play with me
In the silence of my slumber
In the early morning light
I've seen the darkest entities wonder
why I never seem to fright
I’ve run high above the Moonlight
and then been pulled to the Earth’s softcore
I’ve been called by God to enter
I’ve been pressed into Satan’s door
I’ve never stalled my dreams with boundaries
for these trips, I would pay a great toll
for in my dreams, I am experiencing
the depth and essence of my rich soul
(C) Laurel Lyons – Oneironaut
Inspired by a great "Lucid Dreaming" workshop
Santa Barbara, CA
February 25th, 2010
Laurel Lyons​
Thank you!
.. .. .. Sedona - Healing - Intuitive - Psychic .. .. ..